Bits of nostalgia.

Having lived in this world it becomes impossible to deny at some point encountering an “I love you” that was actually a goodbye

We have all tasted the kisses that whisper “I’m sorry”

Or the hugs that couldn’t last long enough

An open heart isn’t always easy to keep especially when there are threats and memories written all over it

We bleed, we cry, we lose, we suffer, we mourn, we break, we fail, we are failed

But we’re still here

And we must learn to love again

I don’t get it.

Sometimes my heart speaks to me but sometimes it slams the door and walks away

We have to sort through all the truths to find the real one

If you’re looking out the window the whole time you’ll miss everything that’s going on inside

We are people that would rather collide than collaborate

I can’t remember the last time any of the things you didn’t say were heard

I could never find the right place to start so I just loved you the whole time

myriad of stars.

We go through times where we look at the mirror and see a reflection but not a face.

Sometimes we can have a whole conversation without hearing a word.

It’s so easy to yearn for places that don’t even exist anymore. 

I used to hate when people asked me if they could borrow a piece of paper. They would never give it back. Not that I wanted it back. But that’s kind of what wasting time feels like except a lot of people don’t even ask. 

There’s different kinds of love not only the kissing kind. There’s the missing kind.

You can’t hope for things that you don’t understand. I want to understand.

I believe that sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong. But I heard that even when we’re wrong we’re right and I kind of think that too.


this is what hate looks like.

we dish out hate and we call it love

for the sake of following a tradition

we take circumstances that we can not understand and try to diagnose them

crushing dreams along with realities

creating a mask of tears that are permanently placed over the faces of the hurting

we deem a few weak and call ourselves strong

but we were wrong when we said what we did

we were wrong when we did what we did

we separated hearts that were meshed together

because we were afraid of what they would produce

the end result would have been happiness

but we couldn’t stand the thought of it being any worse than it already was

failing to realize by shutting down love we shut ourselves down in the process

limited views casting a dark shadow over anything that dared to be different

if you don’t fit the script you can’t sit with us

we’ll place you in a cage in the corner instead

giving you a list of things that you can do

when you get tired of them, do them again

and again

and again

until you forget your name and her name and his name and their names

and when you’re done, you can be a pot of gold

for us to show the world

and then we will love you

and then we will accept you

Fair enough.

I wish I could thank you in the same words you loved me with

But silence uses no words

If I didn’t have to think so much about what should be, maybe I’d be able to see what could be

Either way my heart tells stories & I always believe them

It’s funny how you can see the lives of others & it’s like looking through a glass window, until you realize that those people that you’re looking at are you

Sometimes I feel like every word that I say is a secret, but it doesn’t matter as much as before

We grow up thinking we’re right & everyone else is wrong

But if that’s what everyone thinks somebody has to be wrong

Or maybe we’re all just right

And what if nobody is right

Everything ends.

I flourish

I bleed

I get thirsty then I quench

It’s everything and then nothing

Catch me on the way up for a nice view

There’s no remedy for wanting something and then not

We’re strong then we’re weak

It took too much to hold up all the lines so I cut them

I didn’t mean to make a mess but it all came out that way

I love you not for a minute but for forever

I’m sorry I couldn’t show you for longer

But it takes two

Fear II.

We fear what we don’t understand

We don’t understand, because we fear

Caught up in battles of who we are and who they say we should be

Ambushed with feelings and other people’s thoughts

Is it possible to hold on to the truth that we know and the feelings we own

Yes just look at me and I’ll look at you

Things that you can’t forget are the ones that have already taken place

Bullies come in all shapes and sizes and sometimes they’ll look just like a friend


Major life changes.

The consistency in fear is that it always pays you a visit without calling first

It won’t ever take the time to introduce itself but feel all the right to plague your thoughts with uncertainty

It’ll tell you that you can’t do it or you aren’t good enough but it’ll never tell you the real truth

Fear is the feeling you experience when you’re six years old and the fifth graders come and shove you in the sand on the playground

Fear is the feeling that you encounter when mom and dad are fighting and you’re hiding in your room covering your ears tightly

Fear is the darkness that shows up in your dreams at night

Fear is the experience that follows you like a shadow reminding you of the endless possibilities that surround a situation

Fear is the poison that we willingly take because of doubt and past experiences

You can let fear stop you

Or you can stop fear

“But not you. Fear doesn’t shut you down; it wakes you up.”

“Becoming fearless isn’t the point. That’s impossible. It’s learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”